Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back to School

Where does the time go? It is always such an adjustment to get back into the regimented school schedule. Every year it becomes more difficult, but then I have had to either move 1.0 or .4 or .6 to another building for the past 6 years in a row. This year was no exception, except that I can't remember what I packed where! Things are changing so quickly, and we have to have so many different pswds, that it is virtually impossible to remember them all. Good luck here we go again!

Summer Olympics

I have always loved watching the challenge involved for the participants of the Olympics. The opening ceremony was phenomenal, but after Mr. Bachman's stabbing in Beijing, China, my joy for the participants turned to fear for them instead. I am happy and proud of Michael Phelp's new world records. His success turned out to be the highlight of this Olympics. I was so interested that I even looked up Mark Spitz' records from 1972 to compare the two of them. His records held for 36 years.

I also enjoyed watching the sprinters on the track - some of them literally just flew! Many new world records were set. In our obese society, it's wonderful to watch such fit athletes challenging themselves.

Coreen Blau Blogging on a Wednesday afternoon in Mpls.

Here I am starting my own blog! I can see blogging as a terrific tool for our HIA students to practice English. They are required to speak in complete sentences. This will be a great way to see them in print. As a lifelong learner, I continually challenge myself to be the best I can be. We as media people can help each other through our blogs. I felt a "rush" of excitement all day today during training. I worry about having enough time to maintain a blog.